What vision problems do neuro-ophthalmologists evaluate?

Ophthalmology oculus sample closeup. Ophthalmology, eye model close-up. The ophthalmologist is holding a model of the eye.

Neuro-ophthalmologists diagnose and treat people with neurological and systemic diseases that affect vision and eye movements.

Although some problems seen by neuro-ophthalmologist are not worrisome, other conditions can worsen and cause permanent visual loss, or even become life threatening. Some of the common problems evaluated by neuro ophthalmologists include: optic nerve problems (such as optic neuritis and ischemic optic neuropathy), visual field loss, unexplained visual loss, transient visual loss, visual disturbances, double vision, abnormal eye movements, thyroid eye disease, myasthenia gravis, unequal pupil size, and eyelid abnormalities.

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