Retina Specialists Reading PA

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Most people don’t give a lot of thought to seeking out a retinal specialist. Why would you need one? Certainly you should be getting eye exams every year, but that doesn’t require a retinal specialist. However, you never know when you will have an eye emergency and perhaps need a specialist. It’s an advantage to go to a group like Eye Consultants of Pennsylvania because we have every doctor and specialist for every eye need. Reading PA can find retina specialists in nearby Blandon.
Detached Retina
People can suffer a detachment of the retina. This happens when the retinal layer of tissue is pulled away from its normal position, often through trauma. The retina contains delicate light-sensitive cells and any detachment is definitely an emergency situation to address quickly.
Symptoms come on quickly if the retina detaches. People can’t see as clearly and often see black specks (floaters) or experience light flashes in one or both eyes. You also might feel as if a dark curtain has been put into the middle of your vision.
If you experience any of these symptoms, call our emergency number right away or make your way to the nearest emergency room. Retinal detachment must be treated right away because even more of the retina can detach and lead to permanent vision loss or even blindness.
Most detachments come from a serious eye injury, but people are more prone if these detachments run in the family or if you’ve had a previous eye surgery. You can lower your risk by wearing protective eyewear or safety goggles while playing sports or doing other risky activities like trimming trees.
If you have a retinal detachment, our excellent specialists can offer several treatments depending on the type and extent of your injury.
Other Retina Care
Millions of Americans suffer from diabetes, which is often accompanied by diabetic eye disease like retinopathy, glaucoma or cataract. All of these are serious eye conditions that need treatment and regular care. All of these diseases often have no early symptoms either, so regular eye exams from a retina specialist are very important.
Diabetic retinopathy is the most common form of diabetic eye disease; it affects blood vessels in the light-sensitive retinal tissues. The retinopathy is the most common cause of vision loss among working-age adults with diabetes. Other eye conditions can be the result of diabetic retinopathy, such as the buildup of fluid called edema in a part of the retina called the macula. In fact, about half of all people with diabetic retinopathy will develop macular edema. When macular damage occurs, central vision is damaged and you might have trouble reading or recognizing faces.
People with diabetes are also more prone to cataracts and glaucoma, which occurs two to five more times than in people without diabetes. Symptoms often go unnoticed until vision loss occurs, and that means that significant damage has likely already occurred.
Take care of your eyes, especially if you have diabetes. You should be getting a diabetic eye exam at least once a year. In fact, eye doctors are often the first healthcare professional to see signs of diabetes in the small blood vessels of the eyes. So Reading PA, come see our retina specialists at Eye Consultants of Pennsylvania in nearby Blandon. If it’s been a while since you had your eyes checked, give us a call to schedule your appointment.
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