Macular Degeneration Surgery

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Do you have trouble recognizing faces, or do you need a brighter light to read or see things? Visual distortions, changes in color perception and wavy or blurred vision may also be warning signs of a serious problem. If you have had any of these symptoms, you may have macular degeneration. If so, come visit us in the state-of-the-art macular degeneration diagnosis and treatment center at Eye Consultants of Pennsylvania.
We provide macular degeneration care in our convenient locations in Berks, Lancaster, Lebanon, Montgomery and Schuylkill counties. All locations use the latest treatments, and all of our doctors are board-certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology. They also continue to update their skills and knowledge to offer patients the latest advancements in macular degeneration treatment.
What is Macular Degeneration?
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a common eye condition that affects the part of the retina called the macula which enables you to see fine details as in reading or driving. There are two forms of AMD – wet and dry.
The dry form is much more common and accounts for the large majority (90%) of all cases of macular degeneration disease. This form is characterized by yellow protein deposits called drusen that begin to break down as a natural part of aging and become deposited on the macula.
The wet form of AMD is much rarer and is also a much more advanced form of macular degeneration that leads to more serious vision loss. Wet AMD occurs when new blood vessels grow underneath the retina and leak blood and fluid, causing permanent damage to the light-sensitive cells in the retina. The damage creates the blind spots in central vision.
Macular Degeneration Detection and Treatment
Early AMD often has no symptoms, so the only way to detect the disease is during a comprehensive dilated eye exam. Unfortunately, AMD has no cure and becomes progressively worse over time. Treatments like laser surgery can however slow the disease progression to preserve your existing vision and reduce vision loss.
Two types of outpatient laser surgery are done for the wet form of AMD. Laser photocoagulation is used to burn the abnormal blood vessels that have grown under the retina to reduce the risk of additional vision loss that would occur as the wet AMD progresses.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is also used to treat wet AMD. A light-sensitive medication is injected into an arm vein, and the dye travels to highlight the abnormal blood vessels that have grown under the retina. Once highlighted, the surgeon uses a laser to block further growth of those blood vessels.
Both procedures may have to be periodically repeated. If you have wet AMD or even dry AMD, contact us to get more information about macular degeneration diagnosis and treatment. Our retinal specialists at the five convenient Eye Consultants of Pennsylvania locations are ready to answer all your questions, so don’t hesitate to give us a call today.
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