How to prepare for a neuro-ophthalmology evaluation

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Because neuro-ophthalmology is a subspecialty of both neurology and ophthalmology, preparing for your neuro-ophthalmology evaluation takes a bit of teamwork.
- Request that your treating physicians send all relevant information prior to your appointment, including office notes, results of laboratory tests and reports of CT and MRI scans.
- If you have had a CT or MRI scan performed, arrange to pick up the actual CD of the study and bring them with you to your appointment, or have the facility mail them in advance.
- You will probably have your pupils dilated during the visit. The eye drops last about 4 hours and will make things look bright and blurry up close. Have someone else drive you to the appointment and bring your sunglasses.
- In order for the physician to get a good look at your eyelids and to avoid ruining your appearance when the eye drops are administered, do not wear eye makeup.
- Bring a complete list of medications with you, including the name and dosage of prescription and over-the-counter medications.
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