Glaucoma Specialist in Douglassville, PA
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When we determine a patient has glaucoma, our surgeons are almost always asked this question: “Will I go blind?” Patients definitely have this fear regarding glaucoma. We understand. For most patients, the answer is no, because they’ve had regular eye exams which allows early detection of the disease. If you’re in or near Douglassville, PA, glaucoma specialists are ready to help you at Eye Consultants of Pennsylvania in our nearby Pottstown office.
How does a person get glaucoma?
There are several types of glaucoma. Most types are a chronic disease. Glaucoma requires long-term eye care. Patients who come in for regular eye exams are more likely to be diagnosed – and diagnosed earlier. When the disease is detected early, we can preserve any remaining vision that has not already been lost.
Glaucoma is a silent disease. It progresses slowly over many years, with no symptoms. Any vision loss is so gradual that it is often attributed to other things, like aging. Symptoms usually don’t occur until the late stages of the disease, and by then, significant vision damage may have already taken place.
Glaucoma is caused by a fluid buildup in the eye. The eye normally has a healthy balance of fluid flow, but if the eye’s fluid system is not working optimally, the fluid cannot drain and pressure inside the eye builds up.
As this buildup of fluid occurs, the high pressure causes damage to the cells of the optic nerve. Over a prolonged period, this damage can result in vision loss. Glaucoma typically occurs in both eyes, but the pressure buildup does tend to first happen in one eye.Without eye exams, people don’t think there is a problem. They simply think their vision loss is normal, due to aging or other factors and not to a disease.
A person usually first notices a change in peripheral vision, and over time, central vision becomes affected.
Who is at risk for glaucoma?
Over three million US adults are affected by glaucoma each year. People over age 60 are at the greatest risk, as are people who have a family history of the disease. Also, people of African, Asian or Hispanic descent are at higher risk in general and at higher risk of developing glaucoma before age 60. Other risk factors include:
- individuals who are either very nearsighted or very farsighted
- people who have thin corneas
- people who have had an eye injury
- individuals who use steroid medications
It is important for patients to understand that any vision already lost due to optic nerve damage cannot be restored. Early detection is very important, and we can treat the disease to try to prevent any loss of remaining vision.
We use medications and/or surgical treatments for glaucoma. You need to take the first step. If it has been a while since your last eye exam, come see us, especially if you are in one of the higher risk groups we describe above. Put your mind at ease. Come see our glaucoma specialist in Douglassville, PA. We are close by in nearby Pottstown, so don’t wait. Give us a call today at 610-378-8500 or schedule an online appointment at the Eye Consultants of Pennsylvania website.
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